Sigh, reflections of webs past

I’ll be honest, I don’t have time to maintain or repair what’s missing from this site. It’s not like anyone goes to personal websites anymore. The web has become one giant commercial honey pot. Back in the early 90s, when there was still discussion about how the internet was going to operate; dotcoms were the domains that nobody wanted, because the pioneers didn’t want capitalism ruining everything. Which, I mean, is what capitalism does.

The web used to be so quirky and weird. Kinda like Austin used to be quirky and weird, and now it’s just filled with entitled wealthy people who have pushed all the weird out, because nobody weird can afford to be there. Same with the web. Labors of love are just that, but it’s an invisible labor.

Unknown artists, unsigned bands, really weird geocities sites. Was it ugly? Oh heavens yes. Was it entertaining, without being another branch of curated media? Yep. Were there black-hat hackers and nazis and (gasp) music being shared? Yeah. We still have those, but the weirdness, that’s become much harder to find.

SpiderFarmer since 1995

I’m still getting hammered as though hackers think breaking into this site is going to help them hack the light company that used the same name. I haven’t spoken to them, I don’t know how they got their name, or why they’d choose not to reach out to me if they wanted this one. But I registered SpiderFarmer as a domain in 1995, and as a corporation in Delaware not long after.

Multiple people have suggested that I should put affiliate links on this site that lead to that one, since I’m already answering support questions (by directing them to the other company), but I’m not about to do that until I can find time to talk to my intellectual property attorney.

So, if you are looking for the lights company: they have a hyphen:
If you are looking for all the content that used used to be here, well…thank the hackers who took it all down, and my hosting company who apparently did not keep the backups I’ve been paying for for almost 30 years. So, that’s fun.

Hackers: This is just a sandboxed wordpress. There is nothing here for you. There is no access to other systems, networks or databases. Even if you did get in, you cannot root or bot this install. It’s literally a sandbox on a virtual. Listen, wouldn’t you rather go hack some billionaires and distribute all the money to NGOs or something?