When I was kid, my dad got me a toy that was a medical bag filled with stuff like a stethoscope, and a needle that turned red when you pulled the plunger back, and would “shoot” it into your patient when you depressed the plunger, and eye charts and a hammer to test reflexes, and bottles and bottles of “pills” and “elixers” that were all candy.
I’ma be real honest here, I was the Dr. Feelgood of the kindergarten set. And to be fair, this was encouraged by adults continuously refilling my “pills” with more candy. (I guess after I melted the paint off my dad’s car with my chemistry set, they decided maybe I should be a pill mill instead of a chemist.)
My point being this: I was promised a medical future filled with instant cures and candy-like medicine. There is no reason on goddess’s green earth for prednisone to taste this awful. It’s a tiny little pill, how do they fit that much horrible into a teeny little pill?