Dear Hackers,

Why? Why on earth are you wasting time trying to brute force into a website that has nothing on it? It just seems silly. Listen, go hack Jeff Bezos and distribute the money around the globe. Play Robin Hood with all the billionaires you can find. You have my blessing. But seriously man, there’s nothing here. Even if you hack this WP front, it’s sandboxed, you can’t get to anything else, even if there was anything else to get to. The site got hacked last year, and I haven’t bothered to put anything back up except a notice that I’m not the grow lights company. So, seriously, quit hitting this server thousands of times. You’re like a cardinal that won’t quit running into it’s own reflection.

Not the grow lights people

Hey y’all, I’m getting a lot of email for a grow light company that also has spiderfarmer in their name. (I should go look them up so I can redirect, but I’m busy right now.) I am not the grow light people. This domain has been mine since 1995, as can be verified by the internet archive. It was the 557th non-commercial website on the web. 😉

Some time ago, the site got hacked, and I lost almost 30 years of content, because my backups were corrupted, or on very old versions of windows and unix. I’m still trying to figure out what to put here, but I think I may use it to showcase some comics and other projects I’m doing with other artists and writers.

So, buy all means, feel free to come back and see what the next evolution will be, but it won’t be grow lights, because I live in Deep Red, Bible Belt, Puritanical, Handmaid’s Tale, Texas, and we don’t have legal weed. Because the GOP are morons and would rather cut off their noses than get a fun tax base.

Well, this is a surprise

Somehow, all 25 years of this website just got wiped out. Server update, database crash, who knows. Yes, I have backups, and could go through all the work of putting everything back, but frankly, it’s a pandemic, the world is probably ending, and having my life’s work destroyed is just pretty on brand for 2020. So, this is a wordpress. It may or may not be what stays here. Who knows if any of us will stay here?